




*現場分享: 國立成功大學 成大藝坊(成大藝術中心)
               開放時間:  每周二~每周六 10:30~17:00

Group 1 –記錄
1. 拍張工作或生活環境照
Take a photo of the place where you live or work.
2. 幫你最好的朋友拍張照
Take a photo of your best friend.
3. 唱首歌錄下來!
Sing a song and record it.
4. 記錄下你最近愛看的電視節目
Record a short description of a TV show you’ve watched recently.
5. 念出最近讀的書的其中一個段落,並將錄音檔/影片寄給我們
Read out a description of the book you read latest and send us the sound file or video.
6. 30秒快速自我介紹並且錄下來
Record a video and introduce yourself in 30 seconds.
7. 錄個動感的自我唱名
Speak out your name and record it…but don’t stop there!
8. 拍下生活周遭有趣的圖騰或紋理,讓我們在不同場合使用它。
Record some interesting pattern or texture in your environment that can add to our pattern blanket!
9. 想辦法製造一些不尋常的聲音,把他們錄下來
Make some unusual sounds and record them.
10. 替成大拍個影片或照片
Take a video of NCKU/Tainan or make a short photo essay
11. 對著你正在使用的筆電/手機螢幕快照
Take a screenshot when using your laptop/phone.
12. 錄下你聽到的噪音
Record noises near you.
13. 拍張你的腳/手的照片,成為我們展覽的一部分
Take a photo of your hand/foot…for our foot and hand display!
14. 提供人們的笑容照,成為我們展覽的一部分
Take a photo of someone smiling for our Happy Wall!
15. 錄下嘈雜場域的聲音,像是交通、夜市或是鬧區。
Record a white noise of environment. Ex: traffic voice, night marketetc.
16. 為值得回憶的地方拍張照
Take a photo of your memorable place.
17. 拍個成大的公共藝術照片
Take a photo of artwork at NCKU

Group 2 –書寫
1. 寫詩表達你現在的情緒
Write a poem that can express how you feel now.
2. 寫下你在台南最喜歡的一個地方,它的特色是什麼?
Write down your favourite place in Tainan…what’s best about it?
3. 寫下一個最能表達你自己的字
Write down a word that can represent you the most.
4. 寫封給親朋好友的信
Write a letter/postcard to your friend/family but send it to us.
5. 寫封信給自己
Write a letter to yourself.
6. 寫下你討厭/喜歡的食物清單
Write down those foods you hate and the ones you love
7. 描述截至目前為止,你人生最開心的時刻
Write down the most happy moment in your life.
8. 寫出你近三年來的願望清單分有實現以及待實現
Write down dream list and separate two section done & not yet.
9. 寫或抄一首你喜歡的詩
Write down a poem which you like.
10. 寫下一個句子形容你現在想到的事情
Write down a sentence about anything you you think about right now.
11. 用一個形容詞描述你的個性
Write down an adjective which can describe your personality.
12. 寫下一個你最喜歡的中文字
Write one favourite Chinese character
13. 為你的人生下個標題
Write a title for your life.
14. 寫下你最近看的一部電影,並用一句簡短的句子形容它
Write down the latest movie you saw recently and give a short sentence to describe.
15. 寫給過去的自己一封信
Write a letter to the past you.
16. 寫下一些你想要完成的事情
Write a few things you want to achieve.
17. 寫一封信給過去、現在與未來的成大/台南
Write a letter to NCKU/Tainan, past, present or in the future.

Group 3 –攜帶
1. 帶一個與台南相關的小東西
Bring us a small object representing Tainan
2. 帶一個能代表你的小東西
Bring a small object that can represent your life
3. /寄一些你童年的照片
Bring or send us your childhood photo.
4. /寄給我們你所屬系所的代表Logo
Bring or send your department logo of NCKU.
5. /寄一張你的所在地的照片(圖片)
Bring or send a picture of the street you stand on now.
6. 帶一個你喜歡的玩具
Bring a toy you like.
7. 帶一片葉子/石頭
Bring a leaf/stone.
8. 從你的筆記本撕下一張紙並帶給我們
Bring a page of your note sheet…e.g. from your notebook.
9. 帶一本你最近在讀的書,我們想拍下它的封面
Bring a book you read recently, so we can photograph the cover.
10. 帶一個你鮮少在用的東西並且捐給我們的展覽
Bring a thing you seldom use to donate to the exhibition
11. 帶你最愛的或你覺得最特別的餅乾或糖果來
Bring your favourite fruit or candy
12. 捐給我們你不需要的舊衣
Bring any old clothes to donate.
13. 帶你常用的包包來,我們想拍下裡面有什麼東西
Bring your bag so we can photograph the content.
14. /寄一張你最尊敬的人的照片給我們
Bring or send a photo of a person you respect the most.
15. 帶一張你穿制服的照片
Bring a photo that you wear a uniform in.
16. 帶一些可回收再利用的東西,我們可以用它來裝飾環境
Bring recycle goods and transform it into a decoration.
17. 帶一份最近的報紙來,然後從裡面選一個故事或標題是你覺得需要被關注的
Bring a recent newspaper and choose a story or a headline.

Group 4 –製作
1. 製作一份你平常的週末計畫,然後寄給我們
Make a normal weekend plan and send it to us.
2. 畫一種你最喜歡的動物
Draw one kind of animal you like the most.
3. 畫一個你最喜歡的東西
Draw an object which you like most
4. 寫下你最喜歡的食物的食譜
Make a recipe of your favourite meal.
5. 寫一些關於成大的問題
Create some quiz of NCKU
6. 選一個顏色和形狀你認為最能代表台南/成大
Choose the colour and shape of Tainan/NCKU.
7. 找五個東西上面有你最喜歡的顏色,把它們拍下來
Find 5 objects in your favourite colour and photograph them.
8. 自拍四張不同表情的照片
Take four different expression pictures.
9. 做一份手工禮物送給你的朋友,但是先把它帶來給我們
Make a handmade gift to send to your friend but bring it to us.
10. 製作你的夢想清單
Make your dream list.
11. 問你自己十個問題
Ask yourself 10 questions.
12. 製作一些你喜歡的天然香味,並且幫它們命名
Make fragrance you like by using natural material and name it!
13. 製作一份電影推薦清單
Make a recommended movie list.
14. 製作專屬於你自己的生活地圖
Make your own living map.
15. 製作一份美食推薦清單
Make a recommended food list
16. 畫個自畫像
Draw a self-portrait.
17. 問成大十個問題
Ask NCKU 10 questions

Group 5 –動態
1. 每天在台南起床時你第一件會做的事是甚麼?把它記錄下來
Make some movement with your body and record it.
2. 跟人們分享一些關於台南/成大的故事影片,也藉此啟發其他人重新思考、感受這城市與校園的氛圍。
Share some stories of Tainan/NCKU that will move people to think, explore or get a feel of the city and campus 85 years later.
3. 記錄下你到學校/公司行經的路徑
Record the route when you go to school/company.
4. 跟朋友一起錄下唱你最喜歡的歌的影片
Record a video that you are singing a favorite song.
5. 找找看你的周圍有沒有什麼東西看起來像是一張臉,並且把它錄下來
Find something around you that looks like a face and record it.
6. 拍一些影子移動的照片或影片
Take some shadow movement photos/videos.
7. 分享一些在成大/台南的藝術品背後的故事
Share some stories of artworks in NCKU/Tainan.
8. 用一些動作表達你現在的情緒
Use movement to express your emotions.
9. 模仿一種動物的聲音和動作,並且把它拍下來
Imitate sounds and movements of one kind of animal and record them.
10. 替今天的天氣畫一個表情表達
Draw a face represent the weather today.
11. 拍一些和成大85周年校慶有關的照片,或許是有些你希望能夠久遠流傳的東西
Take a photo related to the 85 anniversary of NCKU – maybe something you hope will still be there 85 years on.
12. 用幾個姿勢表達一個句子並錄下來
Use gesture to express a sentence.
13. 捐獻台幣85元作為本次活動基金(請用硬幣)
Donate NT.85
14. 用臉部表情表達一個字並錄下來
Use facial features to express a word.
15. 找一個人用動作介紹或是模仿你並且錄下來
Get someone to introduce about you thorough some movements or copy your movements and act like you, record it!
16. 設計一些舞步表達你的情緒,或是你也可以教你的朋友一起跳並錄下來
Design some dance steps to express your emotions…you can draw a line and dance it by yourself or teach it to friends!
17. 穿一件你最喜歡的衣服並走台步錄下來。
Design and record a pose which can represent you.